CfP: Applying Teaching Innovations in the American Studies Curriculum

HUAmS organizira jednodnevni simpozij na temu “Applying Teaching Innovations in the American Studies Curriculum”. Simpoziji će se održati u subotu, 6. travnja 2013., na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Pravo sudjelovanja imaju svi sadašnji članovi/članice HUAmS-a, kao i oni koji se u društvo učlane do datuma održavanja simpozija.

Jednodnevni simpozij u organizaciji HUAmS-a (Hrvatsko udruženje za američke studije): “Applying Teaching Innovations in the American Studies Curriculum”

Datum i mjesto održavanja simpozija: subota, 6. travnja 2013., Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu

Potvrđeni izlagači:
Prof. dr. Douglas Ambrose, Hamilton College, SAD (tema izlaganja naknadno)
Prof. dr. sc. Stipe Grgas, predsjednik HUAmS-a (tema izlaganja naknadno)

Pravo sudjelovanja imaju svi sadašnji članovi/članice HUAmS-a, kao i oni koji se u društvo učlane do datuma održavanja simpozija. Članstvo se potvrđuje uplatom godišnje članarine u iznosu od 70 kn.

Simpozij se odvija na engleskome jeziku.


Call for Papers
“Applying Teaching Innovations in the American Studies Curriculum”

Most of the alumni encounter similar challenges in their places of work. It is not always easy to be the “change agent”. We have to work hard to explain new ways and ideas to our colleagues and students who are accustomed to the traditional methods. In order to learn how others have addressed their challenges, we invite the Alumni to come together, share their ideas, teaching materials (both hard copies and electronically available texts), syllabi, methodologies, and any relevant resources that they think the other Alumni might benefit from or use in their courses. The conference will also provide a much-needed opportunity for networking among colleagues with similar interests and for support for our efforts to make changes in the way we teach.

Since American studies is an interdisciplinary field we will group the participants based on their area of specialization. It will be a great opportunity to hear Alumni’s practices and experiences with the American Studies programs in their countries upon their return from the USA.
American studies is the comprehensive study of the regions, diversity, history, and culture of the United States. Given this broad definition, American studies can legitimately include analysis of any aspect of the American experience, including those traditionally examined in disciplines such as history, geography, anthropology, political science, sociology, journalism, religion, music, literature, and visual culture (including art, architecture, theater, film, and television). We intend to make the Regional American Studies Conference truly interdisciplinary, with speakers from the fields of sociology, literature, linguistics, mass media studies, history, education, economy, and law.

Sažetke izlaganja, koji sadrže ime i prezime autora, naziv institucije, kratki opis teme na engleskome jeziku (cca. 300 riječi), možete poslati na adresu jsesnic/at/, zaključno s 15. veljače 2013. godine.

Trajanje pojedinačnih izlaganja je 15 min.

Za sve informacije obratiti se dr. sc. Jeleni Šesnić, na adresi: jsesnic/at/